At the bottom of Beech Hill on the B3002 as it becomes Fullers Vale, there is a pond with a long history. The Fuller’s Vale Wildlife Pond Association was formed in 2001 to restore the pond to its original habitat – as a wildlife preserve. By the end of October 2003 it had succeeded! See our History page for the full story so far. The pond has since become home to a wide variety of wildlife and is frequently visited by larger animals to drink, such as deer.
However, nature never stands still and the pond requires careful management to ensure it doesn’t become overgrown or silted up. This takes time and money – which is why the FVWPA still has a vital job to do.

Our Mission
Our mission is to maintain and preserve Fullers Vale Pond as a natural haven for wildlife. Our priority is to support the natural ecosystem, with minimal human interference. Where we have to intervene to preserve the pond environment, we will do that under expert guidance to minimise any negative impact on wildlife.
We hope that you can enjoy observing nature in and around the pond from a safe distance. We want you to be safe from falling in, and the wildlife to be safe from disturbance! It may look overgrown and untidy at times, but that’s the way nature works. A rotting branch and a clump of dried grass will be home and food for a myriad of tiny creatures, all with an important part to play in our amazing natural environment.
Help Needed!
Many of our founding members have since retired or moved away. We urgently need active new members who are able to help with fundraising, organising, practical help (which can mean getting wet and dirty!) or just as a Friend. If you would like to join FVWPA in any capacity, join here:

The original home of FVWPA was on Jo Smith’s excellent Headley Village website. Jo has kindly provided many of the historical photos and text for this site.